This post describes how to inventory Office 365 using SCCM 1606. We will also provide a free report at the end of the post that you could use on your Reporting Point to easily display Office 365 inventory data.

SCCM 1606 introduces new hardware inventory classes for Office 365 configurations. You no longer need to edit your MOF files to gather Office 365 inventory. If you are using SCCM 1602 or below, follow Jason Sandys post which describes Office 365 inventory process using a MOF customization.

If your goal is to deploy Office 365 updates, refer to our post on how to manage Office 365 updates using SCCM.

SCCM Office 365 inventory report post summary :

  • Office 365 Inventory Data explained
  • How to enable Office 365 Inventory classes
  • Verify Office 365 Inventory data on a client
  • How to upload and use our free Office 365 report

SCCM Office 365 Inventory Report – Direct Download link

SCCM Office 365 Report

If you don’t want to read the whole post, you can download the RDL file directly using this link :

  • You can download this free report by visiting our product page. The Asset – Office 365 report is available in the Report / Asset Section.

Office 365 Inventory Data

Office 365 is using new update channels and update mechanisms. Tracking versions and update channels is an important task. The good news is that it’s easy to do using SCCM 1606 but the data needs to be interpreted as it’s not straightforward (mostly for the update channel).

Here’s the complete definition of the update channel and its meaning :

Update Channels

Insider Preview / Monthly (Targeted)
Semi-Annual (Targeted)

Other data

Here’s the definition of other information gathered by the new hardware class. We haven’t found definitions for all fields, unfortunately, Technet documentation is not completed. If you have any information on your environment, feel free to share it using the comment section.

FieldValue Example
InstallationPathC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office
ClientInstallationFolderC:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun
VersionToReport (Version)16.0.6741.2056
ClientCulture (Language)en-us / fr-fr
CDNBaseUrl (Channel)See Channels table
UpdatesEnabledTrue / False
Platform (Architecture)x86 / x64
LastScenarioResultsSuccess / Failure
CCMManagedUpdateNotify Object
AutoUpgradeTrue / False
GPOChannelSee Channels table

How to enable Office 365 Inventory

After upgrading to SCCM 1606, your Default Client Settings should already gather the new inventory class. Here’s the step to check if it’s enabled :

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Administration / Client Settings
  • Right-Click your Default Client Setting, select Properties
SCCM Office 365 inventory report
  • Click on Hardware Inventory
  • Click on Set Classes
SCCM Office 365 inventory report
  • Ensure that Office365ProPlusConfiguration is enabled, click OK (remove unneeded field if necessary)
SCCM Office 365 inventory report


Now that our classes are enabled, trigger a Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle (to have the latest Client Settings) followed by an Hardware inventory Cycle on a computer that has Office installed. Once the inventory is completed, check the inventory using Resource Explorer :

  • In the SCCM Console
  • Right-Click your device, select Start / Resource Explorer
  • Confirm that you have OFFICE365PROPLUSCONFIGURATIONS listed
SCCM Office 365 inventory report

SCCM Office 365 inventory report

Now that your inventory is gathering Office 365 data, we created a report to display the results. This report is free to use.

Sccm office 365 report

To use the report :

Is this information useful? Share your comments using the comment section.

Comments (95)


05.29.2018 AT 02:43 AM
HI and thx for your Blog 😉 what's the meaning of LastScenarioResults Success / Failure in the sql table ? All my servers are in a Failure state and when i did a Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle and a Hardware inventory Cycle . I don't get the actual gpo value. Is it mean than SCCM is unable to grab the data ? Thx


04.18.2018 AT 02:59 PM
How can I tell the difference between the Office 365 suite being installed and Project Pro or Visio being installed? This report shows any click to run installation and it would be great if they could be differentiated. Let me know.


03.01.2019 AT 11:02 AM
Hi Jeff, Were you able to find the answer for "difference between the Office 365 suite being installed and Project Pro or Visio being installed". I am in the same boat


12.26.2017 AT 07:48 AM
please send me the .rdl to my mail too


11.27.2017 AT 04:02 AM
I cannot get the file to download. Could you send it too me? Thanks in advance.


11.22.2017 AT 07:38 AM
Hi, Thanks for this having an issue though. What needs to be put in the "search" field I get prompted with when trying to run the report? I presume channel is the one I use but I'm unsure of what to put in the search box. thanks

Jeff Blackwell

11.13.2017 AT 01:08 PM
I also can not download the RDL file and I never cheat 🙂

Debashis Jena

11.09.2017 AT 06:38 AM
Hi, Getting this below error while running report on SCCM 1511. Please help Invalid object name 'v_GS_OFFICE365PROPLUSCONFIGURATIONS


10.26.2017 AT 04:53 PM
First thank you for building this and making it available. I do have a question around the reported office version. I'm running the Monthly channel and the CDNBaseUrl matches that of the Current Channel however the report shows these machines as Unknown\Other. Is this by design?


10.21.2017 AT 09:01 AM
Hi entry in the registry is used to fill the ''channel'' column


10.02.2017 AT 01:46 PM
Also receiving the "Cheatin' huh?" response across all browsers. Can you please email me the report or another download link?


09.27.2017 AT 02:16 PM
My understanding that setting client setting to manage O365 will create a registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\office\16.0\common\officeupdate “officemgmtcom”=dword:00000001 Or this can be set with GPO. Also after setting the sccm policy to manage O365 "GPO Office Mgmt COM" should be 1 I have a bunch of clients that do not have this set: And i am trying to create a collection for clients where "GPO Office Mgmt COM" != to 1 select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_Office365ProPlusConfigurations on SMS_G_System_Office365ProPlusConfigurations.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_Office365ProPlusConfigurations.GPOOfficeMgmtCOM != "1" But i am not getting any results. What have i missed? Thank you.

Giuseppe Orsini

09.26.2017 AT 08:18 AM
Hi there, my workplace email is not working. Can I have the report, pretty please? Thanks, a lot, G.O.


08.16.2017 AT 12:41 AM
I know this post is a bit old but what do i do when the hardware inventory is setup correct but is only displays the Key name in ressource explorer?


08.24.2018 AT 09:23 AM
Did you get to the bottom of this as we are having the same issue?


08.14.2017 AT 11:56 AM
Can you email me the report as well, since the website seems has issues with the download link?


08.06.2017 AT 05:57 PM
I get the "Cheatin' huh" page, tried multiple valid addresses, edge, IE11, chrome and firefox. Could you email the report to me?


07.13.2017 AT 01:16 PM
As others, I am getting the "Cheating, huh?" message when trying to download the RDL using multiple browsers. Please email if possible.


07.03.2017 AT 10:25 AM
I cannot download the report. Can I still get it somehow?


06.27.2017 AT 09:06 AM
Hi, Having a bit of trouble getting this report, keep getting the "Cheatin Huh?" Message. Tried with my corporate & personal mail adresses. Could you perhaps email it to me? Regards,