Here’s a step-by-step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide.

Installing SCCM cumulative updates is very important to your infrastructure. It fix lots of issues, which some of them are important.


Follow this link to see a full list of issues that are fixed.

Windows Powershell changes are here.

The major new functionality is the Management Point Affinity for SCCM clients.

It allows to restrict a client on which management point can be used to communicate with. It can been used to enter a FQDN of the management point that can be used to communicate with. This feature is set by using registry key AllowedMPs under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\CCM. This registry key does not affect the communication with other site systems.

You can read more about this new feature on this blog.

Before you begin

Installing this update is very similar to CU2. I’ll guide you through the upgrade process step-by-step in a standalone primary scenario.

  • Download the update here

This update can be applied directly to the following Systems/Roles:

  • The Central Administration Site (CAS)
  • Primary Site
  • Secondary Site
  • SMS Provider
  • Configuration Manager Console

In this guide, I’ll be updating a Primary Site Server, console and clients.

Update the Primary Site

To start the installation, rdp to your Primary Site Server, and run CM12-R2CU3-KB2994331-X64-ENU

A log file will be created in C:\Windows\Temp\CM12-R2CU3-KB2994331-X64-ENU.log

On the Welcome Screen, click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Accept the license agreement, and click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Review that everything is green, and click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Check the box to update the Console and Click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Select Yes, update the site database, click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Check all 3 checkbox (Server, Console and client), click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Edit the package name and program to your need and click Next

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Review the summary page, and click Install

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Installation is in progress

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

When setup is complete, click Next, and Finish

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide


After setup is completed, launch the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Console, and verify the build number of the console. If the upgrade was successful, the build number will be 5.00.7958.1401.

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Open registry editor and check the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Setup\ key. If the installation has succeeded CULevel key value will be 3.

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

The client version will be updated to 5.00.7958.1401 (after updating, see section below)

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Package distribution

Navigate to Software Library / Packages / Configuration Manager Updates

You’ll see that your update packages are there.

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Go ahead and distribute content to your distribution points.

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Updating the Clients

We now need to update the clients. This update contains 2 update packages for client installations. One for 32-bit clients and one for 64-bit clients.

Create two collections for the client upgrade. (If not already done in previous CU)

All-x64-based Clients

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20inner%20join%20SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM%20on%20SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceId%20%3D%20SMS_R_System.ResourceId%20where%20SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.SystemType%20%3D%20%22X64-based%20PC%22″/]

All-x86-based Clients

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20inner%20join%20SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM%20on%20SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceId%20%3D%20SMS_R_System.ResourceId%20where%20SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.SystemType%20%3D%20%22X86-based%20PC%22″/]

Adjust the package options to fit your environments and deploy the update to your clients.

Once deployed I like to create a collection that targets clients without the latest CU. I use it to monitor which client haven’t been updated yet.

Here’s the query to achieve this: (You can also refer to our Set of Operational Collection Powershell Script)

[pastacode lang=”sql” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual” manual=”select%20SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Name%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup%2CSMS_R_SYSTEM.Client%20from%20SMS_R_System%20where%20SMS_R_System.ClientVersion%20!%3D%20’5.00.7958.1401’%22″/]

Happy updating ! 🙂

Step-by-Step SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 Installation guide

Comments (35)

Jeff Scharfenberg

07.01.2016 AT 09:02 AM
I have gone through this and it seems to have gone well but after this i still cannot import windows 10 nic drivers into the boot.wim. I'm wondering if it has to do with the client upgrades as first it was not selected in SCCM to be automatic. I did select it and went to all 4 CU3 packages created and updated the distribution points. Any suggestions?

Jonathan Lefebvre

07.04.2016 AT 07:57 AM
Hi Jeff, You should take a look at this post for Windows 10 requirement with SCCM 2012. Thanks Jonathan


05.06.2016 AT 01:40 AM
I installed SCCM 2012 SP2 R1 CU3 in a testing environment with Automatic Client Update enabled. But clients are not updated to CU3 (Version 1403) because the logfile says "The latest Client has already been installed" (Version 1000 as Site Version says). Any ideas?


05.06.2016 AT 01:49 AM
You can delete this posting as I'm reposted it in the right thread. Missed the SP1 here 🙂


03.23.2016 AT 01:55 PM
After doing the update to CU3 do we need to update the boot wims?


03.25.2015 AT 04:09 AM
Hi, How these CUs are working together with Endpoint Protection agent. Do we need to upgrade the EP agents to a corresponding version? Do you happen to know a list from Microsoft listing the CM and EP agents versions capable to work together? Regards: István

Benoit Lecours

03.25.2015 AT 08:14 AM
The EP agent is "included" in the CM agent, so the update is included in CU update (if applicable). CU3 doesn't update the EP agent, CU4 is.


03.27.2015 AT 02:39 AM
Thanks. CU4 is not scheduled in so far, we've just did CU3...


03.04.2015 AT 11:08 AM
Hi thank you for the info, very helpful. I was wondering if you can help me with a step by step process of pushing the update during the OSD process for new machines and system refreshes.

Benoit Lecours

03.04.2015 AT 01:02 PM
Hi Kamalani, I will work on a new post for this. Thanks !


02.25.2015 AT 06:23 PM
Hi Benoit, Thanks for the info provided. Another question, is it requirements to update the sccm client on CAS server too? i have done the all console updates after CU4 so far. We had a small issue with SQL updates, opened a ticket with MS and waiting for them to get back to me. Our environment: SCCM 2012R2 / SQL 2008R2 Warnings from SQL Studio: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1 Could not find stored procedure 'k'. Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spAddRecoveryTrackingRecord, Line 41 Invalid column name 'TransportType'. Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spAddRecoveryTrackingRecord, Line 46 Invalid column name 'TransportType'. Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spAddRecoveryTrackingRecord, Line 49 Invalid column name 'TransportType'. (0 row(s) affected) Msg 208, Level 16, State 6, Procedure v_ContentDistributionReport_G, Line 2 Invalid object name 'v_ContentDistributionReport_G'. (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) (0 row(s) affected) Thanks a lot in advance


02.25.2015 AT 06:57 AM
great post, thanks for sharing! We have CAS running sccm2012R2 and one extra DP. im a bit confused here. Just updated to CU4 but not sure if i should do anything on the DP, i can see a few new packages have been created (clients x2, consoles, servers). Would you please advise? thanks, M

Benoit Lecours

02.25.2015 AT 09:25 AM
Hi Mateo, There's nothing to update on the DP except for the client itself. Just update the client on the DP as any other client. Ben


02.03.2015 AT 02:03 PM
hello, I am trying to plan the installation of a new site SCCM 2012 R2 updated with CU3. So now I do not have installed on client computers. When I go to install the client, will they be updated with the CU3? So no need to push the update package to client computers provided in CU3? Thanks

Benoit Lecours

02.04.2015 AT 03:00 PM
Your new clients will need to be updated after their installation. If you're using client push, you can use the PATCH properties to apply the MSP. Another method is to use SCUP and include your patch in the process.


01.27.2015 AT 09:05 AM
First of all, thanks for the awesome information! I'm curious in regards to the client update, is this lower impact than the initial installation of the 2012r2 client? The reason i ask is when we migrated from 2007 to 2012 we had to do a very phased rollout of the client for both workstations and servers alike. I'm assuming this process will have to be the same but just wanted to see if anybody had any experience with client rollout behavior. Also just confirming that existing non-updated clients will continue to function in the SCCM site after this update is applied. Ideally all clients will be updated but if for whatever reason any are missed, as long as its still a functional/healthy client will it continue to report in, recieve packages, etc? Thanks Andrew

Benoit Lecours

01.27.2015 AT 09:09 AM
Hi Andrew, The impact is lower than a full client install. It's pretty quick and it's "smaller" than the full client. I've updates thousand of clients in one day, no problem there. Your "non-updated" clients will still continue to work. I recommend that you update all clients but rest assure, a CU1 client (or any other version) can communicate with an CU3 site server. Hope it helps !


01.19.2015 AT 01:40 PM
We followed your post (excellent by the way), but now the packages are stuck in "IN PROGRESS" - Details will be available after the server finishes processing the messages. Any idea why this would be happening? Thanks


12.25.2014 AT 01:13 AM
Indeed great article. You create 2 collections one for the x64 and one for the x86 client update, but what should I do with the server (after the upgrade this one also showed up) and console update. I presume that the server update is for the SCCM server(s) itself and that the console update is for clients/servers where a management console has been installed. But I'm not shure if this is correct. Regards, Ron


12.24.2014 AT 05:00 AM
Thanks for this post. It helped us very well. But I have a question. You only created 2 collections for the x64 and x86 clients. But what should we do with the server and console update. I presume the server update must be installed on a SCCM server itself and a Console update on clients/servers where the management console has been installed. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Benoit Lecours

01.05.2015 AT 02:19 PM
You're right for the server and console. Create a collection for your SCCM Site Server and create a collection for Systems with the SCCM Console installed. You can also refer to our Set of Operational Collection Powershell Script which contains both collections. I'll try to update the blog post to reflect this. Thank you for your comment.


01.06.2015 AT 02:30 AM
Thanks for the information and also the extra collections. This can be very handy. My post of December 25 can be deleted because it is the same question as above.

Scom Artist

12.11.2014 AT 01:44 PM
Hello, Thanks for the write up. How would you deal with the client update deployment for new systems? My thought process is to add the .msp file to the client installation package during OSD? For our server environment we have automatic site-wide client push enabled. Should we add the .msp to installation properties tab?

Benoit Lecours

03.04.2015 AT 01:03 PM
You can use the PATCH properties in the client installation step and provide the MSP. I'll write a full blog post about integrating it to OSD.


11.11.2014 AT 01:05 AM
Great article, just wondering if I could just jump straight to install CU 3 without having CU1 and CU2 installed first on our SCCM Site.

Benoit Lecours

11.11.2014 AT 09:43 AM
Yes CU are cumulative updates, meaning that you can go to the latest CU which includes all resolution from CU1 and CU2 also.


11.10.2014 AT 10:26 AM
I followed steps in this article , every thing update ok but perform database update shows warning. Even after trying to update database manually using update.sql didn't work. Please advise.. here are the logs Starting task 'Perform Database Update'. Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) The timeout for each SQL operation is set to 90 seconds. Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) Connecting to database Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) Successfully connected to SQL server version 11.00.3000 Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) SQLScriptExecution: Reading SQL script from 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\hotfix\KB2994331\update.sql'. Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\hotfix\KB2994331\update.sql contains 47 commands, starting execution. Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) Executing SQL script ... Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) Running SQL operation 1 of 47... Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) Task status detail added: A SqlException occurred, Line Number: 159 Error: 229 Message: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'fnIsPrimary', database 'CM_db', schema 'dbo'. Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:50 AM 3148 (0x0C4C) Task 'Perform Database Update' completed, state is 'warning' LastStatus: A SqlException occurred, Line Number: 159 Error: 229 Message: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'fnIsPrimary', database 'CM_db', schema 'dbo'. Update Setup 07/11/2014 9:48:51 AM 2588 (0x0A1C) Task 'Perform Database Update' completed, state is 'warning' LastStatus: A SqlException occurred, Line Number: 159 Error: 229 Message: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'fnIsPrimary', database 'CM_db', schema 'dbo'. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 RJ

Benoit Lecours

11.11.2014 AT 09:48 AM
This happens because the user you are running the CU installation does not have the Sysadmin right in SQL. Add the role to your user and run the Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\hotfix\KB2882125\update.sql file manually afterward.

Samson Villani

10.27.2014 AT 12:51 PM
Following this guide was easy and the deployment on our Primary Site went well. The issue now is when I'm deploying to our clients it does not appear to be working and the Completion Statistics show every device as being Unknown. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Benoit Lecours

10.27.2014 AT 02:01 PM
When deploying you must first wait for a machine policy cycle on your client (as for any deployment). Once the cycle is done, the unknown device should report their installation status.

Samson Villani

10.27.2014 AT 02:09 PM
The issue is that I deployed this update on Saturday and this is still the status for every machine in the deployment collection. Under the description for every machine it shows for the description "No messages have been received". Another potential issue that might be occurring is that I don't believe every client has CU1 on it and I was reading on another blog that might be a prerequisite. Some of our machines I know do have the CU1 update on them but they have the same exact status. Thanks again for your help.

Benoit Lecours

10.28.2014 AT 07:59 AM
CU1 is not a requirement to CU3. Make sure that your hierarchy is healthy, the client deployment is usually straight forward. Maybe you haven't replicate the content on your DP ?

Bang Nguyen

10.19.2014 AT 09:58 PM
This post is amazing, I just followed and updated my SCCM 2012 R2. Just a curious question, it showed (3) in registry key; and "About" was also showed Version 1401. But when I quickly checked on Site Properties, it still showed Version 1000. Is there anything that I might did wrongly? It would be great if you can help me to figure out. Cheers, Thanks you,

Benoit Lecours

10.20.2014 AT 11:31 AM
Site Properties and in "Full Version" in registry won't change from .1000 even after the CU installation. This is the major (R2) version of your SCCM site and there's no problem there. Just make sure that when you go in the "About Menu" that you are at 1401. It was bring to the attention of Microsoft to add a "CU Level" in site properties in order to easily know the CU installed. Microsoft has released a tool called "Service Extension" that adds this functionality. I've made a blog post about it :


10.16.2014 AT 01:21 PM
Thanks for this amazing post!!