Last week, Microsoft announced the end of support for older version of Internet Explorer . Many organisations will need to upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 soon. This post will describe how to upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 with SCCM.

There’s multiple ways to upgrade your Internet Explorer :

All of theses options were tested and the fastest installation is by using Task sequence because of the ability to manage restart and multiple consecutive steps to get everything installed in one deployment. IEAK could also do that, but we never had much success with it.

Task sequence are made for OS Deployment, but they can be very useful with complex application deployment.

In this post, we will cover :

Required download to upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 with SCCM

The key to a successful Internet Explorer 11 upgrade is to have all the required files in the right format. Here’s everything that you need :

  • Download Prerequisite KB
    • Validate which KB are required for your environment and download all required
  • Download Internet Explorer 11 for IT Pro
    • X86 – Download all the different language needed
    • X64 – Download all the different language needed
  • Download Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer
  • If you are using a Windows 7 Enterprise with MUI, you will need to do the same for Internet Explorer 11

Keep all original files as they will be used in different ways to update or to inject in OSD.

SCCM Task Sequence Method

This method is great to have complete control of the deployment and be sure that one deployment will get everything needed for updating to Internet Explorer 11.

Pre-requisite package

  • The downloaded prerequisites KB are MSU files. We need the extracted the .CAB files from those .MSU files.

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Run the following command for each .MSU :

[su_box title=”Extract .CAB from .MSU” style=”glass” title_color=”#F0F0F0″]wusa E:\Source\Microsoft\IE\Source\Prerequisites\Windows6.1-KB2882822-x86.msu /extract:E:\Source\Microsoft\IE\Source[/su_box]

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • This provide many files, only the .CAB is important

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Add all .CAB files in a folder

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • We will now create a batch file to insert each .CAB using DISM
    • Create a new batch file (install.cmd) in the folder where you saved your .CAB files
    • Add this line for each .CAB files (change the .CAB file name in each line)

[su_box title=”DISM Add-Package” style=”glass” title_color=”#F0F0F0″]dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:.\ /quiet /norestart[/su_box]

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Create a new package in SCCM that will be use for the IE Prerequisite
  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • Right-Click Package and select Create Package
  • Create a standard program
    • Command line – cmd /c install.cmd
    • After Running – Program controls restart
  • This is required as the task sequence will automatically detect a restart pending error code (3010)

 SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Your Internet Explorer Prerequisite package is created and ready to deploy

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

Internet Explorer 11 Package

Create a standard package for each Internet Explorer languages you need.

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • Right-Click Package and select Create Package
  • Create a standard program. (Be sure to change the .exe file to your language)
    • Command line – IE11-Windows6.1-x86-fr-fr.exe /quiet /closeprograms /norestart /log:C:\temp\
    • After Running – Program controls restart
  • This is required as the task sequence will automatically detect a restart pending error code (3010)

 SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Your Internet Explorer 11 package is created and ready to deploy

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11 Package

Create a standard package for Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • Right-Click Package and select Create Package
  • Create a standard program
    • Command line – wusa.exe IE11-Windows6.1-KB2929437-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
    • After Running – Program controls restart
  • This is required as task sequence automatically detect 3010 restart pending

  SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Your Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer package is created and ready to deploy

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

Multi Language Consideration

Create a standard package for each MUI.

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • Right-Click Package and select Create Package
  • Create a standard program
    • Command line – wusa.exe IE11-Windows6.1-KB2929437-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
    • After Running – Program controls restart
  • This is required as task sequence automatically detect 3010 restart pending

Task Sequence

We will now create the Task Sequence to deploy our package we just created.

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Software Library / Operating Systems / Task Sequences
  • Right-click Task Sequence and select Create Task Sequence

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Select Create a new custom task sequence, click Next

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Enter the desired name
  • Do NOT add a boot image, click Next

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • On the Summary tab, click Next

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • On the Completion tab, click Close

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Select your Task Sequence
  • On the top ribbon, click Edit

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Click Add / Software / Install Package
  • Add your previously created package in this order
    • Prerequisites
    • Internet Explorer 11
    • Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode
  • Each Install Package task has the right to restart the computer if necessary
  • Each task will return a 3010 error code (Success but restart required), the task sequence will automatically initiate a restart
  • At the end of the Task Sequence, we will add a restart to successfully apply GPO for IE11 and Enterprise mode if needed
  • Click Add / General / Restart Computer
  • This is the expected result :

SCCM internet explorer 11 update


This method will automatically reboot the computer 4 times. Overnight deployment and communication plan might be a good idea

On a deployed computer, Internet Explorer 11 will be installed as well as all prerequisite KB and Enterprise mode.

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

How to inject Internet Explorer 11 in OS Deployment Task Sequence

Internet Explorer 11 OSD Source Files

As stated in the required downloads section, the downloaded files will be used in a different manner to inject all required updates in OS Deployment.

  • Create a new folder with the following directories

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Add the downloaded Prerequiste MSU files to Prerequisites folder

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Add the downloaded Enterprise Mode MSU file to EnterpriseMode folder

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Extract the required file from Internet Explorer executable

[su_box title=”Extract Internet Explorer required files” style=”glass” title_color=”#F0F0F0″]IE11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe /x:<destination path>[/su_box]

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Add the theses extracted files to the IE11 folder :
    •  IE-Hyphenation-en.MSU
    •  IE-Spelling-en.MSU
    • IE-Win7.CAB

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Add the language pack MSU file to LanguagePack folder
    • This will only work with Windows 7 Enterprise
    •  If you are using Windows 7 Pro, this folder is not necessary.  You will need multiple package for the Internet Explorer 11 extracted file to match the OS language.

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

Internet Explorer 11 OSD Package

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages
  • Right-Click Package and select Create Package
  • Name – Internet Explorer – OSD
  • No program is needed. We will use this package later.

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

Inject Internet Explorer 11 in Task Sequence

This method can be used in a Build and Capture task sequence as well as a Deploy task sequence. It will add Internet Explorer offline (using DISM) to the Windows Installation.

  • Select your Task Sequence
  • On the top ribbon, click Edit
  • Add a Variable under the  Partition Disk  task. Name it OSDrive

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Add a new group under the Apply Driver section and before the Setup Operating system group

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Click Add / General / Run Command Line 3 times to add 3 steps to the new group
  • Command #1 – Install IE 11 Prereq
    • Command line – Dism /image:%OSDrive%\ /ScratchDir:”%OSDRIVE%\Windows\Temp” /Add-Package /PackagePath:”.\Prerequisites”
    • Check the Package box and select the package created in the previous step

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Command #2 – Install IE 11
    • Command line – Dism /image:%OSDrive%\ /ScratchDir:”%OSDRIVE%\Windows\Temp” /Add-Package /PackagePath:”.\IE11″
    • Check the Package box and select the package created in the previous step

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • Command #3 – Install Enterprise mode
    • Command line – Dism /image:%OSDrive%\ /ScratchDir:”%OSDRIVE%\Windows\Temp” /Add-Package /PackagePath:”.\EnterpriseMode\IE11-Windows6.1-KB2929437-x86.msu”
    • Check the Package box and select the package created in the previous step

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

  • If needed,
  • Command #4 – Install Language pack
    • Command line – Dism /image:%OSDrive%\ /ScratchDir:”%OSDRIVE%\Windows\Temp” /Add-Package /PackagePath:”.\LanguagePack\IE11-Windows6.1-LanguagePack-x64-fr-fr.msu”
    • Check the Package box and select the package created in the previous step

[su_box title=”Important Note” style=”glass” title_color=”#F0F0F0″] if you are doing theses steps for Windows 7 x64, you must check the Disable 64-bit file system redirection checkbox on all command line.[/su_box]

SCCM internet explorer 11 update

Happy Upgrade!

Comments (32)

Alaa Alhasan

11.21.2017 AT 01:35 AM
Thank you for this post >>>> i did all steps in this post some of machine the Internet Explorer 11 is not installing on machine even though the AppEnforce log shows it as successful. +++ Starting Install enforcement for App DT "Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)" ApplicationDeliveryType - ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_08b87562-b056-439b-9de8-a75146b1bc58, Revision - 1, ContentPath - C:\Windows\ccmcache\d, Execution Context - System AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) A user is logged on to the system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Performing detection of app deployment type Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)(ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_08b87562-b056-439b-9de8-a75146b1bc58, revision 1) for system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) +++ MSI application not discovered [MSI Product Code: {612095B1-59DD-424E-8BB6-CC70C8FABC6E}, MSI Product version: ] AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) App enforcement environment: Context: Machine Command line: msiexec /i "IE11-Setup-Full.msi" /q Allow user interaction: No UI mode: 0 User token: null Session Id: 4294967295 Content path: C:\Windows\ccmcache\d Working directory: AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Prepared working directory: C:\Windows\ccmcache\d AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Found executable file msiexec with complete path C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Prepared command line: "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "IE11-Setup-Full.msi" /q /qn AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Valid MSI Package path = C:\Windows\ccmcache\d\IE11-Setup-Full.msi AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Advertising MSI package [C:\Windows\ccmcache\d\IE11-Setup-Full.msi] to the system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:04 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Executing Command line: "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "IE11-Setup-Full.msi" /q /qn with system context AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:06 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Working directory C:\Windows\ccmcache\d AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:06 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Post install behavior is BasedOnExitCode AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:08 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Waiting for process 4744 to finish. Timeout = 119 minutes. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:47:08 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Process 4744 terminated with exitcode: 0 AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:50:38 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Looking for exit code 0 in exit codes table... AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:50:38 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Matched exit code 0 to a Success entry in exit codes table. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:50:38 PM 5296 (0x14B0) Performing detection of app deployment type Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)(ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_08b87562-b056-439b-9de8-a75146b1bc58, revision 1) for system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:50:38 PM 5296 (0x14B0) +++ Discovered MSI application [AppDT Id: ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_08b87562-b056-439b-9de8-a75146b1bc58, Revision: 1, MSI Product code: {612095B1-59DD-424E-8BB6-CC70C8FABC6E}, MSI Product version: ] AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:50:38 PM 5296 (0x14B0) ++++++ App enforcement completed (213 seconds) for App DT "Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)" [ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_08b87562-b056-439b-9de8-a75146b1bc58], Revision: 1, User SID: ] ++++++ AppEnforce 11/16/2017 2:50:38 PM 5296 (0x14B0) +++ Starting Install enforcement for App DT "Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)" ApplicationDeliveryType - ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_bfa282c8-0adf-4df6-9df8-383accab3778, Revision - 1, ContentPath - C:\Windows\ccmcache\e, Execution Context - System AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) A user is logged on to the system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Performing detection of app deployment type Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)(ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_bfa282c8-0adf-4df6-9df8-383accab3778, revision 1) for system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) +++ MSI application not discovered [MSI Product Code: {012485A6-27E2-4E61-BCF1-37E0F21E7F50}, MSI Product version: ] AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) App enforcement environment: Context: Machine Command line: msiexec /i "IE11-Setup-Full.msi" /q Allow user interaction: No UI mode: 0 User token: null Session Id: 4294967295 Content path: C:\Windows\ccmcache\e Working directory: AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Prepared working directory: C:\Windows\ccmcache\e AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Found executable file msiexec with complete path C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Prepared command line: "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "IE11-Setup-Full.msi" /q /qn AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Valid MSI Package path = C:\Windows\ccmcache\e\IE11-Setup-Full.msi AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Advertising MSI package [C:\Windows\ccmcache\e\IE11-Setup-Full.msi] to the system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:00 PM 6236 (0x185C) Executing Command line: "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "IE11-Setup-Full.msi" /q /qn with system context AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:01 PM 6236 (0x185C) Working directory C:\Windows\ccmcache\e AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:01 PM 6236 (0x185C) Post install behavior is BasedOnExitCode AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:02 PM 6236 (0x185C) Waiting for process 4468 to finish. Timeout = 119 minutes. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:30:02 PM 6236 (0x185C) Process 4468 terminated with exitcode: 0 AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:33:26 PM 6236 (0x185C) Looking for exit code 0 in exit codes table... AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:33:26 PM 6236 (0x185C) Matched exit code 0 to a Success entry in exit codes table. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:33:26 PM 6236 (0x185C) Performing detection of app deployment type Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)(ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_bfa282c8-0adf-4df6-9df8-383accab3778, revision 1) for system. AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:33:26 PM 6236 (0x185C) +++ Discovered MSI application [AppDT Id: ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_bfa282c8-0adf-4df6-9df8-383accab3778, Revision: 1, MSI Product code: {012485A6-27E2-4E61-BCF1-37E0F21E7F50}, MSI Product version: ] AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:33:26 PM 6236 (0x185C) ++++++ App enforcement completed (205 seconds) for App DT "Internet Explorer 11 - Windows Installer (*.msi file)" [ScopeId_C2CA9CB9-0B29-4810-BD23-D03F1C1BF030/DeploymentType_bfa282c8-0adf-4df6-9df8-383accab3778], Revision: 1, User SID: ] ++++++ AppEnforce 11/16/2017 3:33:26 PM 6236 (0x185C)


07.07.2017 AT 09:37 AM
Thank you for posting, but i'm still don't get something, You're using a different deploying method for OSD intead of using the same task sequence used to update from other IE version?. you could inject the same previous task in the osd task and still obtain the same results?

Jonathan Lefebvre

07.07.2017 AT 09:43 AM
Hi Phonce, Result would be the same, but time required would be longer for OSD by using the method for the update. Using DISM offline is much faster, and don't required multiple reboots which takes 3-5minutes each within an OSD task sequence. Jonathan


10.12.2016 AT 12:26 PM
Hi, I have tried following the steps that you provided above. Everything looks like it is running fine, but when I deploy the task. It stalls in my System Center just saying "Installing".

Jonathan Lefebvre

10.13.2016 AT 07:59 AM
Hi Joseph, Which solution are you trying to accomplish? with or without OSD? you will need to have a look at the detailed steps of the task sequence to find where it's hanging. I often use Monitoring/System Status/Status message queries/All Status Messages for a Specific Deployment at a Specific Site , for that kind of details. Jonathan


10.14.2016 AT 06:54 PM
Hi Jonathan, Thanks for the reply. I am doing it without OSD. I had to disable my AV, that stopped one error message. Now I am getting a different message. I see this in the smsts.log file. remediation failed. code 8027000c. Joseph

Jonathan Lefebvre

10.17.2016 AT 09:21 AM
Hi Joseph, You need to find which step is hanging. the SMSTS.log error will be of no help here I think. Go to Monitoring/System Status/Status message queries/All Status Messages for a Specific Deployment at a Specific Site , for that kind of details. Jonathan


07.28.2016 AT 01:36 PM
Thanks for you article. I'm curious, is Package the only means of accomplishing this? What is the challenge with incorporating an "Application" deployment (like Scriot installer) that runs a batch script that installs the .msu files and then the IE11setup? Then you can see compliance. Also, should IE9 be uninstalled via command line before deployment?


06.14.2016 AT 10:22 AM
Microsoft need beating with a cricket bat for this terrible IE11 situation. Why can't they just release an IE11 setup file that includes all the updates and prerequisites?


04.25.2016 AT 02:51 AM
Hi, I am trying to install IE11 using task sequence method (1st method in this post) After 1st reboot, the process is stuck on 2nd Task i.e., setup of IE11 Running action: Setup (task name) SMSTS.log does not shows any movements, package is distributed to DP. any clues what might be wrong?


04.25.2016 AT 04:25 AM
SMSTS.log has these entries Installing software for PackageID='SJC0000E' ProgramID='IE 11 Setup' AdvertID='SJC20005' has started, jobID='{EE7905D7-93BB-4036-A18B-A6B3D1D83C7D}' InstallSoftware 4/25/2016 12:11:41 PM 6660 (0x1A04) Waiting for installation job to complete.. InstallSoftware 4/25/2016 12:11:41 PM 6660 (0x1A04) Waiting for job status notification... InstallSoftware 4/25/2016 12:12:11 PM 6660 (0x1A04) Waiting for job status notification... InstallSoftware 4/25/2016 12:12:41 PM 6660 (0x1A04) and it goes on with same entries..


06.22.2016 AT 02:20 AM
Hi Vaseem, Have you solved this problem?

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.25.2016 AT 07:34 AM
Hi Vaseem, Is there a log for the installation of IE? If you use the command line we wrote, the log attemps to write in c:\temp. Maybe the folder doesn't exist? You could also try to run the command line manually to see if it is working or not. Might be missing more pre-req updates. Hope this help... Jonathan

Connie K.

04.21.2016 AT 11:14 AM
Hi, the /PackagePath:".\ option is not working for me in my OSD Task Sequence. The task sequence is not able to find the .msu files. Does it make a difference that in my TS deployment it is set to run packages from the distribution point?

Connie K

04.26.2016 AT 11:52 AM
P.S. Just in case anyone else runs into this, your Unattend.xml may also need to be edited. The "Specialized" section of it may have a section that no longer works with IE 10 or 11. It will look something like this: false I had to delete that component completely before the task sequence would run completely.

Connie K

04.26.2016 AT 11:54 AM
Oops. The xml that I pasted in doesn't show. You will want to look for the Internet Explorer component that shows the IE Welcome Msg option.


02.06.2017 AT 12:52 PM
I've run into same problem as described. Remove "Specialized" component completely but issue still occurred. What else that you remove from unattend.xml?

Connie K

04.26.2016 AT 11:18 AM
I figured it out. Since we use the option to run packages from the distribution point, you also need to select the option to "Copy the content in this package to a package share on distribution points" when creating the package for OSD.

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.26.2016 AT 08:00 AM
Hi Connie, Maybe double check the ". They might not be the right character after the copy/paste. Jonathan


04.15.2016 AT 09:39 AM
On this step: Internet Explorer 11 OSD Package Open the SCCM Console Go to Software Library / Application Management / Packages Right-Click Package and select Create Package Name โ€“ Internet Explorer โ€“ OSD No program is needed. We will use this package later. Should you not add a data source to The Package contains source files?

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.15.2016 AT 09:50 AM
Hi James, I didn't go specific about this, but yes you need a standard package with a source path. Distributed to DP as well. Simply no program needed. Jonathan

Mark M

04.14.2016 AT 03:42 PM
Hi Jonathan: Excellent guide and site. You've posted a variety of guides that will be very helpful to me. Thanks and keep up the good work! Question: I'm trying your Inject Internet Explorer 11 in Task Sequence offline using dism, just as you have it there, but the TS is failing as soon as it gets to the prereqs step. It seems OSDrive isn't populated to anything at this point, which is definitely a problem. I'm pretty sure I can get this working online using dism after the TS has rebooted and is in Windows, but I want to get it working offline and using the variable. Is there something I'm missing here? I've tried adding the steps to use my MDT files, then run a Gather, but still no joy. Any ideas? Thanks!

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.15.2016 AT 09:46 AM
Hi Mark, Thanks for your comment. I found that I forgot a step ๐Ÿ™‚ Post as been updated with a new screen shot for %OSDrive% on the Partition Disk task. After this modification it should work ๐Ÿ™‚ Jonathan

Mark M

04.18.2016 AT 02:11 PM
Thanks Jonathan. I was just scrolling through the article before seeing your comment and noticed the added screenshot - and wondered if I had missed it before ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again and keep up the good work!


04.04.2016 AT 08:48 PM
Thanks for these steps, I attempted the TS injection method with the commandlines, but I keep getting failures: The task sequence execution engine failed executing the action (Install IE PreReqs) in the group (IE 11) with the error code 267 I thought maybe the path in the command would not allow windows:\temp so just changed it to "%OSDRIVE%\Temp" but still no dice.

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.05.2016 AT 07:37 AM
Hi Nazid, Are you doing this on a Win7 x64? if yes, you need to : check the Disable 64-bit file system redirection checkbox on all command line. Check the Important Note at the end of the post. thanks Jonathan


04.06.2016 AT 10:59 PM
Its a Win7 X86 TS for deployment (not image capture). We previously used a build WIM that I post injected updates and IE11, but now having odd issues where the build would stop just after setting up OS/ Configmgr. We are in the middle of a pc refresh and don't have an efficient way to install IE 11 (automatically anyway). We used WSUS initially - this works but takes a very long time (especially when a new pc is installing 100's of updates). I just tried your Task Sequence method with separate packages, but when I tried to test install the prereqs with the install.cmd I kept getting errors about 'insufficient disk space' - so basically neither dism on msu or cab files seems to be working for me. If someone has a quick and dirty to install IE 11, I'm all ears tearing my hair out here!

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.15.2016 AT 09:47 AM
Hi Nazid, I updated the post with the %OSdrive%. You need to add OSDrive as a variable on your partition in the Partition Disk step. Sorry about that Jonathan

Jonathan Lefebvre

04.07.2016 AT 08:57 AM
Hi Nazid, I suggest you try to run each Pre-requisite KB manually, without SCCM involved. Then try to install IE11. You might be missing one pre-requisite KB and it all fail because of it. You can find all pre-req here : Side note, you might consider offline Servicing of the default WIM instead of installing all updates post OS install. Jonathan


03.14.2016 AT 10:04 AM
Thanks for this method- It's working where others failed to consistently work to deploy IE 11 upgrades in my environment, but I'm wondering how to get the status of the task sequence deployment to show success in the overall TS execution on a client. Right now, I'm getting errors that "The task sequence manager could not successfully complete execution of the task sequence" (Error Message ID 11170), even though the software is installing successfully (at least the browser, if not all the pre-reqs). Can I run a step that detects whether IE 11 is installed at the end of the TS, to determine the overall success?

Jonathan Lefebvre

03.14.2016 AT 01:21 PM
Hi Luke, glad it helped you! I suggess you take a look a the detailed events of your task sequence deployment. Go to Monitoring/System Status/Status Message Queries. Right-click run All Status messages for a Specific Deployment at a Specific Site. Enter your deployment ID, site code and choose time. That way, you might see which step is failing. Normally, this task should end with a 11171 : The task sequence manager successfully completed execution of the task sequence. Jonathan