See our updated post if you are installing Windows ADK 1809 or later

With each major release of Windows 10, comes a new release fo the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit. This means yet another product to keep up-to-date in your environment. In this post, we will cover how to update an existing installation of a Windows ADK on an SCCM server. If you are looking for a history of Windows ADK versions, see our post here.

The following steps can be applied no matter what version of the ADK is already installed or will be installed.

Why the Windows ADK must be updated?

  • Stay supported for SCCM and Windows 10 OS deployment
  • Microsoft recommend matching the Windows 10 version deployed
  • New setting in WinPE or in the Unattend.xml for the latest Windows 10 build

  • Windows ADK has not a history of bug-free releases. You should hold on the update for a couple days/weeks to see bug reports
  • It’s not mandatory to update the Windows ADK in order to deploy the latest Windows 10 build. An earlier version of the Windows ADK should work just fine, even if unsupported when a new Windows 10 release comes out.

Windows ADK Compatibility Chart

Here’s the table for Windows ADK compatibility with SCCM Current Branch, as the time of posting.


With the release of Windows 10 1803, Microsoft changed to game a bit regarding the supported version of SCCM. Only SCCM Current Branch 1802 support Windows 10 1803. See our blog to upgrade SCCM to 1802

For the latest compatibility chart, check this Technet documentation.

Consideration before updating Windows ADK

  • If you modified the default USMT configuration XML, they should be backed up before starting the update of Windows ADK
  • Boot images will require more or less work, depending on your setup.

How to update Windows ADK

The process of updating the Windows ADK is pretty straight forward:

  • Download the latest version of the Windows ADK
  • Execute ADKSetup.exe

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select Download and provide a path. This will allow to pre-download Windows ADK content prior to the installation

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select Privacy level for the download

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Accept the License Agreement

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Download will take some time as the Windows ADK is about 4.4GB

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Download completed

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Once ready for the update, the old version of the Windows ADK must be uninstalled
  • Open Program and Features, select Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit – Windows 10 and click on Uninstall

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Once the previous Windows ADK is uninstalled, reboot the server
  • Once rebooted, run ADKsetup.exe in the download folder you specified in the previous step

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select the installation path, click Next

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select Privacy level wanted. Click Next

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Accept license agreement

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select the following mandatory features. You can select more if you need others. Click Install
    • Deployment Tools
    • Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)
    • User State Migration Tool (USMT)

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Once completed, verify in the Program and Feature that Windows ADK has been updated to the latest version

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Reboot the server once again

Updating Boot images

After the Windows ADK update is completed,  boot images must be updated in order to use the latest bits for Windows PE.

There are 2 scenarios for you boot images:

Default boot image and updated ADK prior of an SCCM upgrade

If you updated the ADK prior to an in-place upgrade of SCCM to a latest Current branch release, the upgrade of SCCM will automatically regenerate the default boot images as part of the upgrade.

This is not clearly stated as part of an SCCM upgrade. After an upgrade, look at the OS version of the default Boot images, if it is matching your installed version of the Windows ADK, you are good!

SCCM Update Windows ADK

Some times, the automatic update of the default boot images doesn’t work. This is often caused by old driver that are added to boot images.

This will be possible to catch by having a previous version on the boot images

Custom boot image or updated Windows ADK after an SCCM Upgrade

If you are in one of those situation, boot images must be taken care of in a more manual fashion.

  • If you use custom boot images
  • If you already did the SCCM upgrade prior to the Windows ADK update

Wilhelm Kocher and Herbert Fuchs, from Microsoft Premier, created a powershell script to help with this matter

  • Download the powershell script here
  • Execute a Powershell command as administrator
  • Run the script

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Provide Boot Image name. This is the WIM file name

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Provide Boot Image Console name. This is the Name field used for the boot image in the SCCM console

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Provide BootImageConsoleDescription. This is the comment. Can be blank.

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Provide the BootImageConsoleVersion. This is the Version field for the boot image in the SCCM console

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Provide the OSArchitecture. Possible value X86 or AMD64

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Choose to EnableDebugShell. Possible value True or False

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select if PXEEnabled. Possible value True or False

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select OverwriteExistingImage. Possible value True or False

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • Select UpdateDistributionPoints. Possible value True or False

SCCM Update Windows ADK

  • The script will now update the boot image with the latest source, while adding all your customization selected from SCCM.

 SCCM Update Windows ADK

Using this script will inject the latest WinPE and also update distribution point when done


A new feature is available in the Technical Preview 1704 of SCCM.

When we hit Update Distribution Point on a boot image (custom or default), it will be possible to Reload this boot image with the current Windows PE version from the Windows ADK

This will actually do the exact same thing as the script used!

SCCM Update Windows ADK

Unattend.xml consideration

Unattend.xml files are used to pass configuration to Windows while the installation is going on. With a new release of Windows 10, new settings could become available at the installation time.  XML files are configured using Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM). Windows SIM is part of the ADK.

That said, new or modified unattend.xml files could be needed along with new Windows 10 releases. They should be modified or created with Windows SIM, after the Windows ADK as been updated.

Comments (42)


02.17.2020 AT 02:58 PM
Hello Jonathan Lefebvre, Please, I´m having a issue when a Try update boot images. I done upgrade SCCM 1806 to 1910, with sucess. After this, I uninstall ADK Build 10.0.174134.1, and install ADK Build 10.0.18362.0. But when I try update boot image, show this error message: Error: Update boot image: • Microsoft Windows PE (x86) Error: Windows ADK reload actions: • Reload using Windows PE from the ADK version 10.0.18362.0 Error: Update actions: • Add ConfigMgr binaries using Production Client version 5.00.8913.1012 • Disable Windows PE command line support Error: Failed to import the following drivers: Optional components: • Scripting (WinPE-Scripting) • Startup (WinPE-SecureStartup) • Network (WinPE-WDS-Tools) • Scripting (WinPE-WMI) Error: The wizard detected the following problems when updating the boot image. • The SMS Provider reported an error.: ConfigMgr Error Object: instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus { • Description = "Failed to inject OSD binaries into mounted WIM file (often happens if unsigned drivers are inserted into x64 boot image)"; • ErrorCode = 2152205056; • File = "..\\sspbootimagepackage.cpp"; • Line = 5482; • ObjectInfo = "CSspBootImagePackage:😛reRefreshPkgSrcHook"; • Operation = "ExecMethod"; • ParameterInfo = "SMS_BootImagePackage.PackageID=\"SPM00002\""; • ProviderName = "WinMgmt"; • StatusCode = 2147749889; }; Did you see this message before? Can you help, with this issue? Thanks in advanced.

Jonathan Lefebvre

02.17.2020 AT 03:00 PM
Hi Samuel, do you have drivers added to your boot image? Try removing all of them and update DP. Once this work, try adding back your drivers, likely one or more in there that is failing. Jonathan


02.18.2020 AT 10:20 AM
Thanks answer me. But I uninstall older ADK and install ADK 1909, ans now I can´t see tab to uninstall drivers. What can I do?

Jonathan Lefebvre

02.20.2020 AT 11:20 AM
Update the Distribution point and check the Reload this boot image. You should see the tabs after that Jonathan

Jonathan Lefebvre

02.17.2020 AT 03:01 PM
And if you need assistance, we offer consulting services, simply contact us at [email protected] Jonathan

Aaron Brown

02.14.2020 AT 10:04 PM
Hello I'm learning deploying Windows 10 through PXE and we had a system engineer leave due to a move. We are getting a new one soon. So, we have ADK 17763 based off of 1809. I see we have to install the current ADK. If I do this and reinstall it, will it keep the current images and settings we currently have? I can tell you we use WDS for LiteTouch boot images WIM's and Windows 10 WIM's. All images captured from using a USB capture tool created from Deployment Workbench. I did have two questions to add from this: 1) If I install the latest Win 10 ADK 18363 (1909), will it retain the settings in Windows Deployment Workbench and WDS? Also, if a newer version of ADK is installed, do I need to check off Deployment tools, Windows PE and USMT. I don’t know if these versions change is why I’m asking or if it’s recommened to check these while installing a new ADK. 2) If I already have a Prior ASK installed now, 17763, do I need to install a newer version Windows Deployment Toolkit? Thanks so much! We use out of box drivers in Deployment Workbench for injecting drivers during the deployment of Windows 10 WIM process. To be clear, we aren't using SCCM to deploy as we find WDS easier. Plus it's simple to inject drivers into the LiteTouch WIM if it's not suported. Looking at you Intel gigabit L218-LM. Everything works but I'm concerned about down the road. I didn't originally set up

Aaron Brown

02.14.2020 AT 10:03 PM
Hello I'm learning deploying Windows 10 through PXE and we had a system engineer leave due to a move. We are getting a new one soon. So, we have ADK 17763 based off of 1809. I see we have to install the current ADK. If I do this and reinstall it, will it keep the current images and settings we currently have? I can tell you we use WDS for LiteTouch boot images WIM's and Windows 10 WIM's. All images captured from using a USB capture tool created from Deployment Workbench. I did have two questions to add from this: 1) If I install the latest Win 10 ADK 18363 (1909), will it retain the settings in Windows Deployment tools and WDS? Also, if a newer version of ADK is installed, do I need to check off Deployment tools, Windows PE and USMT. I don’t know if these versions change is why I’m asking or if it’s recommened to check these while installing a new ADK. 2) If I already have a Prior ASK installed now, 17763, do I need to install a newer version Windows Deployment Toolkit? Thanks so much! We use out of box drivers in Deployment Workbench for injecting drivers during the deployment of Windows 10 WIM process. To be clear, we aren't using SCCM to deploy as we find WDS easier. Plus it's simple to inject drivers into the LiteTouch WIM if it's not suported. Looking at you Intel gigabit L218-LM. Everything works but I'm concerned about down the road. I didn't originally set up

Aaron Brown

02.14.2020 AT 10:05 PM
Delete this one. Double post with a minor change in the post.


05.21.2019 AT 01:36 PM
What are the implications of updating the Boot wim that's referenced elsewhere? Say we have USB media deployed to techniciansm, will the WinPE environment update the new boot wim cleanly?


10.04.2018 AT 02:53 AM
Windows ADK for Windows 10 v1809 10.1.17763.1 September 2018

Jonathan Lefebvre

10.04.2018 AT 07:22 AM
Thanks v-juanm, I've updated the table . Jonathan


09.04.2018 AT 02:00 AM
Hi I needed to update CB1802 today, there is also CB1806 is avaible to download What Windows ADK version should I use, the version for 1802 or the latest ? // Sokoban

Eric Periard

07.12.2018 AT 02:24 PM
So I was in the situation where my ADK was update AFTER SCCM got in-place upgraded to 1802 with the latest hotfix. To refresh by bootimage all I did was click on "Update Distribution Points" and there's an option to reload the bootimage from the ADK installation directory. Both x64 and x86 are now 10.0.171134.1. Is there anything additional that powershell script adds?

Jonathan Lefebvre

07.12.2018 AT 07:01 PM
Hi Eric, nope!, you are good to go with the check box to reload the boot image! thanks Jonathan

[email protected]

06.13.2018 AT 11:00 AM
When I updated to ADK 1802 on my SCCM site server, it created a folder named Fake Product with many other folders inside, here C:\Program Files (x86)\Fake Product\Dev Root\ Why and what is this? thank you

[email protected]

06.13.2018 AT 11:03 AM
ADK product version 10.1.17134.1


05.17.2018 AT 03:43 PM
FYI, the boot image script doesn't seem to like the AMD64 variable you state, rather it wants x64. Your screenshots are right, but the text is wrong.


04.20.2018 AT 12:36 PM
Hi Jonathan! Thank you for the post. The highlighted step, 'Reload boot image with the current Windows PE...', do you check it off or not? Last time I upgraded to latest ADK (10.1.16299.15) and CB from 1702 to 1709, I did check it off. However, we were not able to pxe boot and had to recreate boot images from scratch.


04.20.2018 AT 12:35 PM
Hi Jonathan! Thank you for the post. The highlighted step, "Reload boot image with the current Windows PE...", do you check it off or not? Last time I upgraded to latest ADK (10.1.16299.15) and CB from 1702 to 1709, I did check it off. However, we were not able to pxe boot and had to recreate boot images from scratch.


02.14.2018 AT 07:12 AM
Do I have to upgrade the ADK even if my environment have both win7 and win10 in my environment?

Jonathan Lefebvre

02.14.2018 AT 11:47 AM
Hi Andrews, as said, ADK should match the latest build of Windows 10 you are deploying, in order to be supported. However, using an older version is likely to work just fine. Jonathan


12.04.2017 AT 10:00 AM
Hi- I am fairly new to SCCM and noticed that our console ver was a bit out of date. I went ahead and updated it to the latest 1706 release and performed all hotfixes and updates in order. I then realized that I had to update the ADK as well, and have done so to allow all new win 10 OS deployments /imaging to work properly. All of the installations were successful but now I am having an issue creating boot images and updating existing images. We were imaging our devices via pxe to win 10 OS 1607. I have tried to update the boot by re-distributing the existing ones and check the ADK option but it is greyed out. When I try to create a new boot image it gives me an error stating that the specified file is invalid and only maximum compression type is supported. I am not sure what steps I need to take at this moments as I have tried to update the existing ones and have tried to create new boot images and cannot get past these errors. I am running SCCM on a 2012 R2 box and the version details are Ver 1706 console version 5.00.8540.1600 / site version 5.0.8540.1000


11.21.2017 AT 08:03 PM
We plan on upgrading to SCCM 1710, but currently we are only deploying Windows 10 1703. At some point in the next few months we will start to test and deploy Windows 10 1709. Should we install ADK 1703 now and then upgrade it to ADK 1709 once we decide to deploy the newer version of windows? Or should we just install ADK 1709 now? Also, we have a requirement to deploy LTSB 2016, which is technically windows 10 1607. How can we keep the ADK version the same as the Windows 10 version if we have to support two different versions? Thanks.

Jonathan Lefebvre

11.22.2017 AT 11:08 AM
Hi Damon, great question. I was not able to find an official statement, but ADK is supposed to be backward compatible for Windows 10. Therefore, the recommended approach would be to have it match the latest version of Windows 10 you are using while being supported on the SCCM side also. If you are current on the SCCM side, but 2 versions late for the ADK, you might be in an unsupported setup. It doesn't mean it won't work. Jonathan

Hans Boele

10.25.2017 AT 03:38 AM
After installing the latest Windows ADK, Right click on your Boot Image and click on "update distribution points" Select "reload this boot image with the current Windows PE version from the Windows ADK"


10.21.2017 AT 05:12 PM
Same question as Rob posted. Updated the ADK, did the reboots. I regenerated my boot images and picked off to use the new ADK (It sees it there as the newer version number for 1709) but the "version" of the boot image remains 10.0.15063.0 and does not change to the OS version 10.0.16299.15). Does this need to just be changed manually to reflect the new OS?

Rob Wood

10.19.2017 AT 01:29 PM
Question, I just installed Windows ADK 1709 I used your script to update the Boot (x64) The Version stayed as 10.0.15063.0 which is ADK 1704 which was the old boot image, and the OS Version 10.0.16299.15 which is ADK 1709, how can I tell if the Boot image is using ADK 1709?. Also if you put Do not overwrite to False the script bombs.

Stephane Faubert

10.04.2017 AT 07:12 PM
Oublie ça... Je sais pas lire! lol...