Microsoft Teams has undergone significant updates, offering a faster, simpler, and more responsive experience. As an administrator, you’ll want to ensure seamless deployment of the new Microsoft Teams app across your organization. While users may have already received the “try the new Microsoft Teams” prompt, installing the latest version may be a better user experience, especially for new devices in the environment.
In this blog post, we’ll detail how to package the New Microsoft Teams using SCCM and Intune for mass deployment.
Microsoft Teams SCCM Intune – Prerequisite
- For both SCCM and Intune, download the MSIX source file needed to be used.
- Web-View2 runtime must be installed. It is generally installed alongside the latest versions of Microsoft Edge.
Create the New Microsoft Teams SCCM Intune package
Using this method allows to use the application as part of the Enrollment Status Page (ESP), while using Autopilot onboarding.
- Go to the Intune portal
- Go to Apps / Windows
- Select Add Line-Of-Business App and click Select

- Select the MSIX package

- An Icon can be added if desired, no other modification is needed.

- Assign the application to devices like any other.
For more details about Intune’s line-of-business app model, see Microsoft Docs.
Create an Application for New Microsoft Teams with SCCM
Unfortunately, this method won’t allow to be used in an SCCM Task sequence. Using a simple script or run a Command line with a source file within a task sequence will work.
Install Command line should look like this: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command “&{ Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath .\MSTeams-x64.msix -SkipLicense }”
- In the Configuration Manager Console
- Browse to Software Library / Applications and Create a Create application
- Select Windows App Package (msixBundle) and specify the MSIX downloaded earlier

- Click Next

- Select Provision this application for all users on the device.

- Deploy the application to the desired devices
- Note that the icon for the New Microsoft Team isn’t provided by default.

- The AppEnforce.log will provide the same kind of details as an MSI application would do.

For more details about SCCM Application model, see Microsoft docs.
Additional notes
- Users can launch the new Microsoft Teams from the start menu

- The old one will be identified as Microsoft Teams Classic (Work or School)

- In the Teams Admin portal, under Teams / Teams Update Policies, set the Use new Teams Client policy.

For more information about packaging the New Microsoft Teams SCCM Intune, see Microsoft docs.
06.12.2024 AT 10:39 PM