It is now time to plan the migration of your SCCM Current Branch environment since Microsoft releases a new version of SCCM Current Branch. If you want to receive the latest updates, this post is a complete step-by-step SCCM 1806 upgrade guide. If you’re looking for a comprehensive SCCM installation guide, see our blog series which covers it all. You won’t be able to install 1806 if you are running SCCM 2012, the baseline version is 1802.

To install SCCM 1806 as an update, you must have installed at least SCCM 1706, SCCM 1710 or SCCM 1802.

Keeping your infrastructure up to date is essential. You can benefit from the new features and fixes issues, which some of them can be related to your SCCM. It’s also easier to upgrade to the latest version since Microsoft has implemented the new model of update servicing which is the in-console upgrade.

SCCM 1806 New Features and Fixes

SCCM 1806 includes lots of new features and enhancements in the site infrastructure, content management, client management, co-management, compliance settings, application management, operating system deployment, software center, software updates, reporting, inventory, and configuration manager console.

You can consult the What’s new in version 1806 of System Center Configuration Manager Technet article for a full list of changes or consult the full summary of changes and fixes.

Here’s our list of favorite features:

  • CMPivot
  • Site server high availability
  • Exclude Active Directory containers from discovery
  • Configure a remote content library for the site server
  • Enable distribution points to use network congestion control
  • Boundary group options for peer downloads
  • Enhanced HTTP site system
  • CMTrace installed with the client by default
  • Cloud management dashboard
  • Download content from a CMG
  • Transition new workloads to Intune using co-management
  • Phased deployment of applications
  • Improved WSUS maintenance
  • PXE without WDS

Support for SCCM Current Branch Versions

Ensure to apply this update before you fall into an unsupported SCCM version. Read about the support end date of the prior version of the following Technet article.



Windows and SQL Support

Before installing, make sure that you are running a supported Operating System and SQL version. Older SCCM version was giving a warning during Prerequisite check but 1806 is giving an error which prevents the installation from continuing.

1806 supports only Windows 2012+ and SQL 2012 SP3+.

Before you Begin

Downloading and installing this update is done entirely from the console. There’s no download link, the update will appear on your console once the Service Connection Point is synchronized.

If you’re running a multi-tier hierarchy, start at the top-level site in the hierarchy. After the CAS upgrade, you can begin the upgrade of each child site. Complete the upgrade of each site before you begin to upgrade the next site. Until all sites in your hierarchy are upgraded, your hierarchy operates in a mixed version mode.

Before applying this update, we strongly recommend that you go through the upgrade checklist provided on Technet. Most importantly, initiate a site backup before your upgrade.

In this post, we will update a stand-alone primary site server, consoles, and clients. Before installing, check if your site is ready for the update:

  • Open the SCCM console
  • Go to Administration \ Updates and Servicing
  • In the State column, ensure that the update Configuration Manager 1806 is Available

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

  • If it’s not available, right-click Updates and Servicing and select Check for Updates

The SCCM 1806 update is not yet available for everyone. If you need it right away you can run the Fast-Ring script and the update will show up.

  • If the update is not downloading, click on the button Download on the upper node. The update state will change to Downloading
  • You can follow the download in Dmpdownloader.log or by going to Monitoring / Updates and Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

  • The process will first download .CAB file and will extract the file in the EasyPayload folder in your SCCM installation directory.
    • GUID : 5b823327-92d9-4908-a24c-8d8c6625f407
  • It can take up to 15 minutes to extract all files.

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

Step 1 | SCCM 1806 Prerequisite Check

Before launching the update, we recommend launching the prerequisite check first. To see the prerequisite checklist, see the Microsoft Documentation

  • Open the SCCM console
  • Go to Administration \ Updates and Servicing
  • Right-click the Configuration Manager 1806 update and select Run prerequisite check

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

  • Nothing will happen, the prerequisite check runs in the background and all menu are unavailable during the check
  • One way to see progress is by viewing C:\ConfigMgrPrereq.log

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

  • You can also monitor prerequisite check by going to Monitoring / Update and Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status

  • When completed the State column will show Prerequisite check passed

Step 2 | Launching the SCCM 1806 Update

We are now ready to launch the SCCM 1806 update. At this point, plan about 45 minutes to install the update.

  • Right-click the Configuration Manager 1806 update and select Install Update Pack

SCCM 1806 Upgrade Guide

  • On the General tab, click Next

  • On the Features tab, checkboxes on the features you want to enable during the update

  • Don’t worry, if you don’t select one of the features now and want to enable it later, you’ll be able to so by using the console Administration \ Updates and Servicing \ Features

SCCM 1710 Upgrade Guide

  • In the Client Update Options, select the desired option for your client update

  • On the License Terms tab, accept the license terms and click Next

  • On the Summary tab, review your choices, click Next and close the wizard on the Completion tab

The whole process took a minute but the installation begins on the back end.

  • During installation, the State column changes to Installing

  • We suggest you monitor the progress, by navigating to Monitoring / Updates and Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status

Unfortunately, the status is not updated in real time. Use the Refresh button to update.

  • Open the SCCM log SCCM Installation Directory\Logs\CMUpdate.log with CMTrace

Important Info

We’ve done numerous SCCM upgrades. Some installation start a couple of minutes after you complete the wizard but we’ve seen some installation starts after a 10 minutes delay. Do not reboot or restart any services during this period or your update can be stuck in “Prerequisite check passed” status. There’s actually no officially documented methods by Microsoft to fix that. Patience is the key!

  • When completed, you’ll notice the message There are no pending update package to be processed in the log file
  • Monitoring / Updates and Servicing Status, right-click your Update Name and select Show Status, the last step will be Installation Succeeded
  • Refresh the Updates and Servicing node in Administration, the State column will be Installed

Updating the Outdated Consoles

As a previous Cumulative update, the console has an auto-update feature. At console opening, if you are not running the latest version, you will receive a warning and the update will start automatically.

  • Since all updates operations were initiated from the console, we didn’t close it during the process. We received a warning message when clicking certain objects. You will have the same message when opening a new console

  • Click OK, console restart and update will start automatically

SCCM 1710 Upgrade Guide

SCCM 1710 Upgrade Guide

  • Wait for the process to complete. You can follow the progress in C:\ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log and C:\ConfigMgrAdminUISetupVerbose.log. Once completed, the console will open and you’ll be running the latest version



After setup is completed, verify the build number of the console. If the console upgrade was successful, the build number will be X and the version is now Version 1806.

Beginning with 1802, this is a new version nomenclature for the console. The console will no longer include the main build number (8634). The last 2 numbers refer to the admin console build number. For example, in Configuration Manager version 1806 the initial site version is 5.0.8692.1000, and the initial console version is 5.1806.1074.1200. The build (1074) and revision (1200) numbers may change with future hotfixes to the 1806 release.


  • Go to Administration \ Site Configuration \ Sites
  • Right-click your site and select Properties
  • Verify the Version and Build number


The client version will be updated to 5.00.8692.1003 (after updating, see section below)

SCCM 1802 Client Package distribution

You’ll see that the 2 client packages are updated:

  • Navigate to Software Library \ Application Management \ Packages

SCCM 1710 Upgrade Guide

  • Check if the update is successful, otherwise, select both packages and initiate a Distribute Content to your distribution points

Boot Images

Boot images will automatically update during setup. See our post on upgrade consideration in a large environment to avoid this if you have multiple distribution points.

  • Go to Software Library / Operating Systems / Boot Images
  • Select your boot image and check the last Content Status date. It should match your setup date

Updating the Clients

Our preferred way to update our clients is by using the Client Upgrade feature: (You can refer to our complete post documenting this feature)

  • Open the SCCM Console
  • Go to Administration / Site Configuration / Sites
  • Click the Hierarchy Settings in the top ribbon
  • Select Client Upgrade tab
  • The Upgrade client automatically when the new client update is available to the checkbox is enabled
  • Review your time frame and adjust it to your needs

Monitor SCCM Client Version Number

SCCM Reports Client Version

You can see our SCCM Client version reports to give detailed information about every client version in your environment. It’s the easiest way to track your client updates.

SCCM 2012 - System Health Configuration Manager SS


In conclusion, you can create a collection that targets clients without the latest client version because is very useful when it comes to monitoring a non-compliant client.

Here’s the query to achieve this: (You can also refer to our Set of Operational Collection Powershell Script which contains this collection)

select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ClientVersion != '5.00.8692.1003'


Comments (27)


09.10.2019 AT 03:15 AM
hi, I don't have the possibility to upgrade to 1810. it's drunk i don't understant i'm administrator of my domain, my infrastructure can you help ? thanks in advance


05.10.2019 AT 08:08 AM
Hi Benoit, I upgraded from 1706 to 1806 today and it was successful. However, the console does not open up and I have tried it multiple times but still no luck. Any idea what needs to be done, please?


04.07.2019 AT 07:36 AM
hello everyone I work as a sccm specialist in Israel , i have a system which we are upgrading from 1706 to 1806 , and it is stuck on replication when we ran the prerequisite check , it does not start the update content library , can anyone advise ? thank you


01.07.2019 AT 05:30 AM
We are running into an issue on our environment (90k+ clients over 5 primary sites) where after 4-8 days the MPs we have installed the CMG connectors on are going in a "disconnected" state. Sometimes we need to restart them as the RDC connection dies & we can no longer login. This seems to be as the TCP/IP ports are exhausted (symptoms are accompanied by TCP/IP 4231/4227 errors in the system event log.) I've logged this with MS who have advised updating to 1810. Just reporting here in case anybody else has similar issues. The number of high-end ports has been amended (netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=20000 num=45535) & time wait for disconnect reg entry (Create key "TcpipTimedWaitDelay" REG_DWord (32-bit) with dec setting of 40 under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameter) have been added, but for us this has had no impact. Am also seeing an inconsistency with the the max number of concurrent connections & number of actual clients. One of our sites has about 25k clients, however the console is reporting 120k+ concurrent connections!


11.20.2018 AT 06:51 AM
Hi, can someone advise. we did the upgrade to 1806 but although its showing as installed ok, the last post install task to turn on features has not started. Has anyone seen this before please.


11.13.2018 AT 07:58 PM
In order to upgrade to sccm 1806 from 1710, i have to upgrade from 1710 to 1802 then 1802 to 1806 right?

Jeff M.

11.16.2018 AT 07:04 AM
No you can go direct from 1710


10.12.2018 AT 08:57 AM
Hello, I have an issue, the post installation is stuck on the monitoring replication initialization task ( more than 2 hours). Even a restart doesn’t resolve the issue. Any Advice Please? regards. Amin

Nick Hottinger

10.11.2018 AT 08:55 AM
After upgrading to 1806 including the hotfix, and updating the ADK with the Windows PE add-on, none of my older Windows 7 images work. They fail at the Applying Driver Package each time. Windows 10 images still work correctly.

Nick Hottinger

10.11.2018 AT 12:23 PM
** Solved ** Needed to checkmark "Install driver package via running DISM with recurse option" for each windows 7 driver package.


09.26.2018 AT 11:29 AM
The query at the end of this article is incorrect the version information is wrong for the query to create the collection for Client Not Installed. The correct version is 5.00.8692.1008.

Volker Klaffehn

08.31.2018 AT 06:52 AM
Hi! Upgrade went fine here, but the 'Compliance 9' report is not there. Can anyone export the report maybe? rgds, V.Klaffehn


08.24.2018 AT 12:10 PM
After upgrading, PXE boot seems to be broken? Any recommendations where to look?


08.31.2018 AT 07:29 AM
Hi! We had the same problem, but just disabling and reenabling PXE on the DP worked.


08.21.2018 AT 10:33 PM
If I haven't installed 1802 hotfix KB4163547, is it safe to skip over it and install 1806 directly? I would imagine KB4163547 is superseded by the 1806 update?

Joe Morley

08.15.2018 AT 12:38 PM
After our 1806 upgrade - all of our Cloud Distribution points were broken and would not deliver packages. We were getting an HTTP 400 error.


08.10.2018 AT 12:11 PM
I've noticed after running site upgrades/updates I need to reboot the site server to get the post installation tasks to complete. Is this normal or can I stop and start some particular services to take care of this? I've left the site up for as long as 3 days, to no avail. The reboot get it done within an hour then everything wraps up as expected. Please advise thanks!


10.12.2018 AT 08:56 AM
Hello, I have the same issue, the post installation is stuck on the monitoring replication initialization task ( more than 2 hours). Even a restart doesn't resolve the issue. Any Advice Please?

Mark Rogalski

08.10.2018 AT 11:55 AM
I've noticed that the "Post Installation" Status never changes to "Completed" until I restart the Site servers. Perhaps I'm impatient, but I have a small site (1 site server, 1 DP server) and have waited for as long as 3 days to no avail. After I restart the Site server the post installation task shows as completed within an hour or so. Is this expected behavior?


10.12.2018 AT 08:57 AM
Hello, I have the same issue, the post installation is stuck on the monitoring replication initialization task ( more than 2 hours). Even a restart doesn’t resolve the issue. Any Advice Please?


08.03.2018 AT 04:06 AM
Hi, after the Upgrade I am unable to run Reports. Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportServerException An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) I opened Report in Browser and get the Error: An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'vSMS_R_System', database 'CM_XYZ', schema 'dbo'. My Account is SCCM Full Administrator and Sysadmin on the SQL Server. When I run Query on SQL View directly with SQL Management Studio i do not get an Error. Any Idea?


11.03.2018 AT 02:35 PM
had a similar issue with the same report today: Issue: Windows Server 2016 SCCM just upgraded to SCCM CB 1806 When i run the Report "Lifecycle 01A - Computers with a specific software product" and i select "Windows 10, version 1703" it throws an error: Error The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'v_WindowsServicingStates' It Works fine if I for example select "Windows 8.1" I could reproduce it both environments - Test and Live. Solution: smsschm_users had no rights on the view 'v_WindowsServicingStates' for select set it manually, then it works


08.03.2018 AT 04:01 AM
After the upgrade, all my powershell scripts executed in my OSD TS fail. Without any modifications on them, all was correctly working before this upgrade. What could be the root cause ?


08.01.2018 AT 06:51 AM
SCCM 1802 CLIENT PACKAGE DISTRIBUTION - should be changed to 1806

Eric D

07.31.2018 AT 06:39 PM
Is about,. Not us avoir. Sorry. French corrector.

Eric D

07.31.2018 AT 06:37 PM
Copy/ past from another guide? WINDOWS AND SQL SUPPORT section us avoir 1802, not 1806.

Benoit Lecours

08.01.2018 AT 06:42 AM
Corrected thank you